How to keep your car cool in the UAE heat

Keeping your car cool in the UAE heat
Throughout the year and especially in the summer when the mercury rises to 50 degrees, getting into your car after it has been baking in the sun all day can be a painful task to say the least. Therefore we have compiled a list of tips to help you tackle the scorching heat when it comes to the interior of your car.
Park your car in the shade
Sometimes the best solutions are the simple ones, in this case, it is location, location, location. If you are able to park your car in a multi-story parking or covered parking both at home and at work than you are one of the few lucky ones! If not, get to work early tomorrow morning and look for a shaded parking spot, either under a tree or near a wall, even if it means that you may have to walk slightly longer to the office it’s worth it.
Invest in a portable car shade
Technology is amazing nowadays, as it has made most things portable such as shade! A company has created an interesting gadget that allows you to carry your own car shade around in order to keep the interior of your car protected. As seen in the image above, this umbrella-like contraption helps you keep your car interior cool and bearable. If you are interested to see how this contraption work, you can watch this video:
Use a reflective windshield visor
If you see that a portable car shade is a hassle to set up and takedown, then the least you can do is use a reflective windshield visor. Yes, that annoying thing that is hard to close once it’s open. You will regret not using it when you get in your car and you are unable to touch your steering wheel because it’s cooking your fingers.
Invest in quality window tinting
This is something that everyone in the UAE should have on their car. As it will protect the interior of your car, and yourself, from the harsh summer sun while keeping the car remain cooler so your AC does not have to work overtime. Just make sure that the tint you buy is quality thermal tint that blocks infra-red, not just dark-coloured plastic. Recommended brands would be 3M, V-Kool, and Farba-Guard.